What are the properties of polyethylene raw material?

propertıes of polyethylene raw materıal? Developed in 1950, low-density polyethylene pipes in the PE 32 class, together with the developing technology, today with the 3rd Generation PE 100 raw material; Drinking water lines, Desalination plants, Marine discharge lines, Gravity flow water lines, Gas power plants, Garden irrigation lines, It has been an economical and high-performance solution in […]
What are the usage areas of PVC pipes?

What are the usage areas of PVC pıpes? Usage areas of PVC pipes, it is used in drinking water networks and waste water networks in the infrastructure of cities and settlements. It is used in discharge lines and pool systems. It is used in underground and above pressurized water transport systems. It is used in agricultural irrigation […]
What are the advantages of PVC pipe?

What are the advantages of PVC pıpe? Advantages of PVC pipe; which are easy to transport and install due to their lightness, do not spoil the taste of water, and do not create environments that allow microorganisms to reproduce. It is resistant to internal and external pressure. It is long-lasting and resistant to decay and […]
What are the mechanical properties of PVC fittings?

What are the standards and features of PVC pıpes used for waste water? These are the pipes laid for the discharge of used water inside and outside the building. It is a type of pipe used in indoor and outdoor installations in multi-storey houses, hospitals, schools, hotels, industrial buildings, according to TS 275-1 EN 1326-1 DIN […]
Information about the hot water resistance of PPRC pipes?

Informatıon about the hot water resıstance of PPRC pıpes? Since PPRC products are based on high temperature, it is not correct to constantly subject them to high temperature and high pressure. Due to this wrong application, the life of the pipes is shortened. In addition, it is not correct to use it in drinking water pipes that […]
What is PPRC pipe?

What ıs PPRC pıpe? PPRC, an abbreviation of the words Polypropylene Random Copolymer, can provide high performance even at very high and low temperatures and pressure conditions. Polypropylene Random Copolymer (PPRC) pipes used in hot water heating and clean water systems have a high level of use and durability due to their ultra-high molecular structure. It […]
What should be considered during the laying and placement of PVC pipes?

What should be consıdered durıng the layıng and placement of PVC pıpes? There are the most important points to be considered in order for PVC pipes to be long-lasting and durable. Careful laying and placement of the PVC pressure water pipes. For this reason, the bottom of the trench should be stone-free and flat. The base […]
What are the advantages of the joining process in Pe80 pipes?

What are the advantages of the joınıng process ın Pe80 pıpes? PE80, which is produced from high-density Polyethylene, one of the indispensables of pressure pipe applications, is yellow in color. PE80, which has been carrying natural gas to homes and workplaces since 1960, continues to be popular in this field. If we summarize the general […]
Which pipe is used in natural gas lines?

Pıpes used ın NATURAL GAS LINES The most commonly used pipe types in natural gas lines are PE 80 and PE100 pipes. With its reliability and quality, Pe80 pipes are the most preferred pipe type worldwide. Are there rısks wıth PE80 pıpes? Does ıt contaın an element of danger? What should be consıdered? PE80 pipes, […]
What is the importance of HDPE Cable casing pipes?

HDPE Cable casıng pıpes? Today, with the rapidly developing technology, density and high performance are needed in the infrastructure. HDPE Cable Casing pipes are the pipes of infrastructure systems used for this rapidly developing communication and data transfer. What are the general features of HDPE cable casıng pıpes? HDPE Cable Casing pipes can be offered with single, double or […]