

Dripping water systems with the latest technology used in irrigation technology in the world are produced in accordance with TS EN 9261 standards. Purified water and small through fertilizer or irrigation emitters and is a steady flow is supplied to the soil surface or roots dropwise.  The amount of water wasted each year because of mistakes made during the period that needs every drop of rain that will burn the whole world, especially in irrigation systems to increase agricultural productivity is to find millions of cubic meters.

That’s why millions of cubic meters of water plants in the waste going in the name of drip irrigation systems, more thirst being inserted into the stress is being watered more frequently with less water, greenhouse, vegetables, fruit trees and has become the ideal system for irrigation and decreased work done by releasing irrigation system. 16, 17, 20 and 22 mm diameter flat drip irrigation pipe produced in, and varying amounts of water may drip tube wall thickness can vary from 12 nm to 6 nm. Longer distances thickness of flat drip irrigation pipes can be made thinner than the round drip irrigation tubing, drippers and dripper spacing is flat can vary from 20 cm up to 50 cm. The round drip irrigation pipes 16 and 20 mm in diameter in the 0.9 – 1.2 mm wall thickness are produced from. Drip irrigation pipe made for short distances emitters are circular. Coil lengths of 200 m and 400 m and up to 4 liters of water per hour from 2 liters can be dripped. 

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Dripping Water Pipes Benefits of Drip Irrigation Methods

– Provide increased efficiency at maximum level.
– Low pressure minimizes the minimum level of water consumption.
– To provide fertilizer savings.
– Protects the Foreign and weeds.
– Increased Efficiency varies according to region and climate.
– Yield and quality of irrigation is very high.
– Because of the irrigation; the ability to provide early harvest
– The irrigation shape; water loss does not happen.
Because of the irrigation; irrigation system efficiency is the highest.
– Provides an equal amount of irrigation facilities all over the land and sloping terrain does not make a watering will cause erosion.
– Wind is not an obstacle for irrigation.
– Compared to other irrigation methods is almost no watering and fertilizing labor.
– Sloped land in other irrigation methods, soil loss by water and without opening the way to more successfully and easily.

Dripping Water Pipes Application Area

– Greenhouse
– Place sown or planted vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, broccoli, salad, onion etc.), floriculture
– Fruit trees and vineyards
– Place the planted some crops (sunflower, corn, potatoes, cotton)


How Drip Irrigation is Performed?

The installation of drip irrigation Pipe reel and spool release mechanism. One of the issues to be most noticeable during the opening of the pipe is not be able to scrub the hard parts of the pipes and worn. – During the laying of the pipe that opens the curl is to be a subject is broken pipes and other care. In these cases it will lead to a reduction in the leakage and tube life. 
– Spreading operation is performed while the drift tubes One of the mistakes made because it is long. Dragging propagated tear and puncture the pipe may occur.
– Drip irrigation drippers, peat moss, sand, silt, clay, heavy metals that may be present in water, residues, algae, bacteria, dirt, etc can become clogged for reasons of. For this reason, drip irrigation pipes are used in systems where the filter should be used.
– Measure in determining the flow rate of drip irrigation pipes, and the pipes in the design of the pressure is taken as 1 bar in the recipe (ISO 9261).
– Collection of drip irrigation pipes before the line breaks in the pipe should be opened and the waste should be cleaned. Carbonate concentrations in the pipe % 0,5 – 1,0 cleaned with HCl solution to be injected into the tube.
– Measure in determining the flow rate of drip irrigation pipes, and the pipes in the design of the pressure is taken as 1 bar in the recipe (ISO 9261).
– Collection of drip irrigation pipes before the line breaks in the pipe should be opened and the waste should be cleaned. Carbonate concentrations in the pipe % 0,5 – 1,0 cleaned with HCl solution to be injected into the tube.
– Drip irrigation pipes should be cleaned regularly.
– Chemical conditioners should be added to the irrigation water as needed.
– Main drip before installation the pipes must be clean.
– During assembly the end of the pipe line should be kept closed.
The main holes to be opened pipes, drip pipes should be installed now.
– After assembly, the system should be cleaned with water.
– The irrigation system for at least 30 minutes at the end of the fertilization process to include the cleansing of the given system.
– Insoluble in water may cause clogging of drippers completely and easily use fertilizers.
– The fertilization process of the irrigation system should be done after the operating pressure has been reached.
– Used in the harvest, machinery and equipment, crates, etc. product collection containers, hand tools, dripping pipes should be avoided and damage to the pipe should not be left on.

Flat Drip Irrigation Pipe

Providing irrigation for long distances; thinner Wall thickness compared to dripping water pipes round, more flat tube with drippers. Installation cost is low, because of the homogeneity of the flow round type drip irrigation pipe drip advantage also preferred for the use of flat tubes began to spread all over the world in recent years. 16-17-20 and 22 mm in diameter, 1.6 and 2.2 litres per hour only dripping water, Wall thickness 6 miles, 24 miles, flat drip irrigation pipes produced reaches the consumers. The last period of global warming that lived in the world every year due to dwindling water resources specific to the use of dripping water pipes should be shown as a precaution, and should be taken to prevent water from being wasted every year millions of cubic feet.

Flat Drip Irrigation Pipe Fittings Specifications

– Resistant, high-quality polypropylene raw material is manufactured.
– Ø17 mm, mm O22 seamless flat drip irrigation is used.
– Sealing with gasket grommet Grommet to get the output that will be used according to the Product Type to be 16mm or 20mm diameter hole should be drilled in the pipe.
– Output contas, Layflat, and low density polyethylene (LDPE) Pipes (Flat drip irrigation pipe), and O22 mm Ø17 mm flat drip irrigation pipe is used to retrieve its output. We pipe the output to get the output contas with the edge, the hole diameter 8 mm) so that should be drilled.
– Because it is opaque to UV rays and does not allow bacteria growing mossing. 
– Homogeneous and porous interior surfaces.
– Does not contain any foreign matter that could alter the taste and odor of the water.

Drip Water Pipes Price List

Kuzeyboru Drip Water Pipes offers you the most suitable product with its suitable diameters, low cost, ease of transportation, and teamwork from the beginning to the end of production. Click to take advantage of Kuzeyboru Drip Water Pipes sand to access the Drip Water Pipes Price List.