
What should be consıdered durıng the layıng and placement of PVC pıpes?

There are the most important points to be considered in order for PVC pipes to be long-lasting and durable.

  • Careful laying and placement of the PVC pressure water pipes.
  • For this reason, the bottom of the trench should be stone-free and flat.
  • The base width should be calculated by adding 40 cm to the pipe diameter.
  • It should be between 1 and 1.5 m, taking into account the standard climatic conditions and the ground determined for the amount of filling.
  • Before the pipes are started to be laid, approximately 15 cm of stone-free material should be placed in the trench and the bed should be prepared.
  • The pipe should be laid carefully and in such a way that it fits well on the bed.
  • After this process, for the pressure test, the pipe must be covered with a 30 cm stone-free ground layer so that the top of the bell and additional parts are not covered.
  • After the pressure test, the exposed parts are also closed and the trench is completely covered after the filling process.
  • While working at freezing temperature, care should be taken that the filling materials used are not frozen.
  • On rotten soils such as mud and swamps, gravel filling or stone should be used against the risk of collapse of the line.
  • If the pipe will be exposed to sunlight for a long time at high temperatures, the top of the pipes should be covered with a tarpaulin.

Care should be taken to ensure that the ends are cut properly and the burrs are removed during the joining process in PVC adhesive muffed pipes.

  • The instructions for the adhesive and its liquid must be read carefully and these specified danger rules must be followed.
  • After cleaning the end of the muffed pipe and the other pipe, the area to be made should be sanded.
  • After the sanding process is finished, the sanded part should be checked again and it should be ensured that there is no wet area after cleaning.
  • The adhesive is applied longitudinally to the surfaces to be adhered with a clean brush and the pipe end is pushed without turning until the marked muff part.
  • Before performing the pressure test, it should be kept at 20 oC for at least 24 hours.
  • If the temperature is lower, the waiting time should be increased.
  • A special adhesive should be preferred for the bonding process in PVC pipes.
  • 8 gr adhesive should be used for 1 pipe in accordance with the pipe diameter.
  • The muffed parts produced in plug-in bell pipes should be such that they can easily pass out of the pipe.
  • It should also be located in the socket for the Z Gasket in the muffed part of the pipe.
  • The part of the pipe without the bell is in a flat structure and there is a conical structure at the ends that makes an angle of 15 oC up to half the thickness of the pipe.
  • During the insertion process, the lips of the Z Gasket are placed inside the muf.
  • Lubricating agent (Arabic soap) applied to the end of the pipe is applied (machine oil should not be used) and the end of the pipe is placed inside the bell so that the gasket will not move, this process is measured differently in each diameter according to the depth of the bell.