What should be consıdered durıng the layıng and placement of PVC pıpes?
There are the most important points to be considered in order for PVC pipes to be long-lasting and durable.
- Careful laying and placement of the PVC pressure water pipes.
- For this reason, the bottom of the trench should be stone-free and flat.
- The base width should be calculated by adding 40 cm to the pipe diameter.
- It should be between 1 and 1.5 m, taking into account the standard climatic conditions and the ground determined for the amount of filling.
- Before the pipes are started to be laid, approximately 15 cm of stone-free material should be placed in the trench and the bed should be prepared.
- The pipe should be laid carefully and in such a way that it fits well on the bed.
- After this process, for the pressure test, the pipe must be covered with a 30 cm stone-free ground layer so that the top of the bell and additional parts are not covered.
- After the pressure test, the exposed parts are also closed and the trench is completely covered after the filling process.
- While working at freezing temperature, care should be taken that the filling materials used are not frozen.
- On rotten soils such as mud and swamps, gravel filling or stone should be used against the risk of collapse of the line.
- If the pipe will be exposed to sunlight for a long time at high temperatures, the top of the pipes should be covered with a tarpaulin.